3-Step Scent Marketing Playbook for Luxury Brand

Black VanGogh360

Ready to level up your brand and delight your customers? The area of scent marketing requires attention to detail, customer research, and creating a unique strategy for your brand. Whether you’re in the retail or customer service space, learn our strategies to initiate your brand’s scent marketing playbook!

1. Brand identity: choose a signature scent

Every brand needs an identity in the market for it to be identified and chosen by potential customers. When a signature scent is associated with your business, customers can instantly identify your brand by it scent, leaving a last impression to remember! This scenting is all about enchanting the customer experience that goes beyond your brick-and-mortar.

2. The nose knows: leverage scent to influence purchasing behavior

You have the power to captivate, engage, and retain your business’s target persona by leveraging the power of scent. Studies show that brand messages incorporating 3 senses: sight, sound, and scent, are more effective at engaging audiences than sight and sound alone.

3. Choose your scent distribution system

You have a variety of options to choose from to scent your business, but it’s important to choose an enduring, high-quality distribution method that is capable of engulfing your space with the scent of your choice. HVAC scenting is a great option for retail businesses such as luxury spas, gyms, or studios.  You can pump any luxury fragrance through your central heating and cooling system—no candles needed!

Get in touch with the scent experts at Aroma360

You can scent large and multiple areas with our HVAC scenting solutions for business. Get in touch with in-house scent consultants to learn more about our luxury scenting solutions!

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